Messing-Hardware, reines Kupfer, Möbelgriff, goldfarben, Schrankgriff
Dieser stilvolle Schrankgriff aus reinem Kupfer mit Messingbeschlägen ist die perfekte Ergänzung für jedes Zuhause. Es besteht aus reinem Kupfer, ist zuverlässig und langlebig und sorgt für eine dauerhafte Schönheit Ihrer Schränke und Schubladen. Sein einzigartiges Tassendesign verleiht jedem Möbelstück einen Hauch von Eleganz.
Product Overview
Shopping Notes
- Check your discount in cart, find more suprise!
- All sample orders will be shipped from Chinese factory, which usually takes 10-15 days to deliver. Non-returnable.
- Different products may have color variation in antique brass even though named consistently because they are made by different factories. If you are not sure or need advice, please check all our production lines or contact us.
- Check your discount in cart, find more suprise!
- All sample orders will be shipped from Chinese factory, which usually takes 10-15 days to deliver. Non-returnable.
- Different products may have color variation in antique brass even though named consistently because they are made by different factories. If you are not sure or need advice, please check all our production lines or contact us.